

Studying Plan
Registration Requirements
Preparatory Degree in Management
Bachelor Degree in Management

 Preparatory Degree in Management

The curricula in the first three years comprise the principles and concepts of Business Administration.  The curricula are presented with the required tools to boost foreign languages, information technology, math, and business language. Upon the completion of the third year, Successful students will be granted the degree of the preparatory certificate in Business Administration which comprises courses like:
-   Management Principles 
-   Accounting
-   Commercial math
-   Statistics
-   Micro and Macro Economy
-   Commercial law
-   Finance
-   Commercial communications
-   Project management
-   Finance management
-   Human resources management
Bachelor Degree in Management
BS in Business Administration
The program lasts for two years. Students who accomplished their preparatory certificates in Business Administration can pursue their study and choose one of the following majors:
- Marketing  
- Banking and Financial Management
- Operations and information management
- Human Resources Management


 Graduate managerial cadres that complement business sectors with different management specializations that get along with the globalization requirements. HIBA contributes as well to the social responsibility for human development with total commitment to business ethics.


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